How to add a digg button to blog posts in Blogger

Adding a digg button to all blog posts in blogger is very simple and just need adding a small snippet of HTML to your blog template. Unique content always helps in driving targeted traffic to your blog but it will not produce much effect until you share your content.
Social media sites plays a vital role in promoting the content and sending targeted traffic to the site from where content was generated. So if you have not started delivering your blog posts to social media sites, then add this digg button to your blog right now to get started.
How to add digg button to blog posts in Blogger 
Once added the digg button will appear either on the top right corner of your blog (as shown in picture) or at the end of the post. When some visitor lands on your page and find some article interesting, he or she will digg your story with the vast audience of digg community. In this way your links start floating around the web and suddenly you will see rise in web traffic to your blog.
Now let us add this Digg button to our blog posts.
Step # 1:- Go to your Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Template
Blogger Dashboard

Step # 2:- Now look for the following code by scrolling down the HTML page.
If you find it difficult to trace the code, you can use “Find” command by pressing “CTR+F” and paste the above code in search bar and press enter.

How to add digg button to blog posts in Blogger 
The code will be highlighted as shown in picture. Now follow step 3.

Step # 3:- Now replace the above code with the code given below.

<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Your HTML will look like this

How to add digg button to blog posts in Blogger
Click on preview button below the HTML page and if everything is fine, save the template. You are done. While you preview your page, your page will have a Digg button on the top right corner of the blog post. See my first picture of this blog, your post should look like this having a digg button embedded to it. Keep Blogging. 
